Saturday, September 25, 2010

Far Cry 2

I started playing Far Cry 2 today, its a game I've had on a shelf since Christmas 2008, something that I've wanted to play but never had to time or motivation to do it. Playing and analysing games will be big part of my future and a game that is as divisive as Far Cry 2 seems like a good opportunity to look at a game with strong design goals and see how they affected the game and my own experience of it.

I started playing this morning for a half hour or so, its very different to most other shooters that I've played but at this stage I can't offer much of an opinion on the game other than that I'm looking forward to spending some more time with it. I suppose the fact that I look forward to playing more must mean that the designers have made an initial connection with me. I'll update with my progress and some real thoughts once I get a few hours of gameplay under my belt.


  1. Yeah Iv got this one too. Pretty good overall, the game world is huge and richly detailed, looks great and the single player campaign is lengthy. One gripe is the way enemies constantly respawn at the check points almost every time you approach them. This can get quite annoying when your trying to get to a location for a mission or whatever and you have to constantly fight off the bad guys as they pursue you across the map, even if you cleared the check point only shortly before. the realism can get a bit much sometimes too but im just nit picking! enjoy!

  2. I've noticed that happen a couple of times alright. I read a lot from the designers before the game came out and was really excited to play it when I got it but somehow I let it slip through the radar. I suppose being in college again has its advantages!
