Tuesday, December 14, 2010

MacB Beta Test

You can check out the final beta for MacB below, have fun with it!

Added: 01 December 2010
By: JohnnyJohnJohns

Friday, December 10, 2010

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

I generally don't post content that isn't in some way my own but I feel obliged to in this case.  The extended trailer for human revolution looks pretty epic and I hope the gameplay can match it!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


MacB, a game based loosely on Shakespeare's MacBeth, is now available to play in its alpha form.  There are a few issues with the gameplay but overall I think it works reasonably well given the tools used to make it,  there's some decent game logic in there too. For the next update I'll be adding a bit more to the character and storyline without using the highly obtrusive pop up boxes, along with fixing a few issues and polishing that will probably be about as far as I go with it.

I feel a bit disappointed with it overall, I think I stayed too close to expected norms of gaming.  What the game does well, countless other games out there do better.  Is there a reason to play MacB when games like Metal Gear Solid and Splinter Cell already exist?  I think my disappointment comes from the "me too" attitude that I took somewhere along the way and just ended up creating something that I knew would work.  I should probably have tried to take a risk on the game but nothing really came to me,  it should be an ok piece for the portfolio with a few improvements but I can do better.

You can play the alpha below and hopefully I'll be able to add some more features to make it a better game!
Added: 01 December 2010
By: JohnnyJohnJohns