Thursday, January 13, 2011

Games of 2011

So its that time of the year when gaming sites list the games they're looking forward to from 1-10.  I'm going to follow suit but list in terms of release date... kinda (Where possible at least).  It looks like 2011 will be a good year for gaming so here are my picks:

Little Big Planet 2

I really enjoyed the first LBP and am looking forward to seeing what Sackboy has up his sleeve this time.  I'd like to think I'll spend some time making levels/games in the editor but I realise that will probably never happen...

Killzone 3

I was one of the people who really liked Killzone 2, it had a real gritty, tough struggle feel about it(Something COD used to have until recently) but the story didn't make much sense.  From the trailer above it looks like they've worked on that and I can't wait to kick some Helgan ass!(PS:  If anyone from Gorilla Games happens to read this I will work for free to make a Killzone space sim- it would be epic!)


I don't know too much about this game but it has some potential, the premise is interesting and if they pull it off it could be a great hit.  In all likelihood though it will probably be another generic first person shooter...

Portal 2

No explanation required!


A Double Fine game about stacking Russian dolls with unique abilities and puzzles to solve.  Could be a great game, hopefully Tim Schafer will have something to say about it when he visits Dublin!

LA Noire

Last year Red Dead Redemption was a surprise hit for many. It's hard to tell how LA Noire will fare once its released but the setting and style interest me enough to warrant its place on the list.

Star Wars: The Old Republic

I've never played an MMO and as an aspiring game designer that makes me feel like a bit of a cheat.  If the old republic looks like it'll be good I think I might jump in this summer and test the waters.


Flower was a massive surprise to me when I first played it- it had that feel of something truly unique and relaxing. That Game Company's next game is going to be some for of multiplayer adventure type game. This game has to potentially to be a really unique and meaningful experience- how often can you say that about a game?

Uncharted 3

Uncharted 2 was a great game in 2009 and hopefully the third installment in the series can build on that. Expect to see this game at the top of most GOTY's at the end of next year!

Batman: Arkham City

Arkham Asylum was a really fun game, expect more of the same in the sequel.

Mass Effect 3

It's hard not to love everything about the mass effect universe. It's safe to assume the third installment will be worth it...

Deus Ex 3

Deus Ex 3 has a lot to live up to but this game has a great visual style and looks like it keeps a lot of elements from it's predecessors.

And thats the list.  I'm also looking forward to a couple of indie game like Monaco and Spy Party which I'll do a write up on when they release.

I had better get used to eating beans on toast for 2011...

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